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Contact Us

259 Wen-Hwa 1st Road, Kwei-Shan Tao-Yuan,Taiwan, 333, R.O.C

When to contact us
Contact us as soon as you know you'd like to work together -- we can help you to identify the right mechanisms to enable the work.

Contact us when you're looking for someone to work with -- we can help you to find the right person.

Contact us when you're looking for intellectual property to help you to bolster your company -- we can help you to find the appropriate intellectual property and/or researcher.

Office of Technology Development and Industry Liaison (OTDIL)
  TEL: 886-3-2118800 Ext.5632
  FAX: 886-3-2118297

If you have any  problems, please consult the following center.

Center for Innovation and Incubation(CII)
  TEL: 886-3-2118800 Ext.5505, 5507 OR 886-3-2118557
  FAX: 886-3-2118556
  EMAIL: incubator@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  HOMEPAGE: https://cii.cgu.edu.tw/?Lang=en

Center for Technology Licensing and Patenting(CTLP)
  TEL: 886-3-2118800 Ext.3201,5632
  FAX: 886-3-2118297
  EMAIL: sala.chang@mail.cgu.edu.tw

  HOMEPAGE: http://ctlp.cgu.edu.tw/index.php?Lang=en

Center for Industry Sponsored Research and Collaborations(CISRC)
  TEL: 886-3-2118800 Ext.5631
  FAX: 886-3-2118297

Center for Innovative Technology and Commercialization (CITC)
  TEL: 886-3-2118800 Ext.3734
  FAX: 886-3-2118297